Space Girls

Space Girls

Monday, November 14, 2011

Faith Vision

Sight is a faculty. Seeing is a gift. – R. Gilbert

Hebrews 11 commends many for their faith. They didn’t physically see with their eyes what God had promised but they’re hearts did. They were REWARDED!

Bob CousyPete MaravichMagic JohnsonSteve Nash. Guys who did amazing things with a basketball and their team. It was as if they had eyes in the back of their heads at times. It wasn’t so much that they did, they just had faith and trust in their teammates to be where they should be at the appointed time. Our God has promised us this and more. He will always be there, on time – if we have the faith. Though we often say we have faith, we generally base it only on the tangible stimuli we can see and touch, but true faith sees things that are out of sight and knows God is ever-present if we would just open our eyes and truly see HIm. His revelation won’t always be what we expect, but He will make himself known.

Until tomorrow…..
Pastor Botts

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” – Psalm 119:18

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