No one can whistle a symphony. – H. Luccock

Though Jesus came to save the world, he employed 12 ordinary men to help him. They turned it upside down. WOW!

A symphony takes a full orchestra of musical talents each working together to produce a recognizable harmonic resonance. It is in essence a community of believers sold out for the cause – the music – not their individual desires. This illustration is what God desires for us in community, where we learn to love and trust in one another for the good of the kingdom, not ourselves. To try to do it alone is tiring, ineffective, and selfish. If life is a song, and love is the music, then our time here on earth is where we learn to play in God’s orchestra.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.” – I Corinthians 1:10