Space Girls

Space Girls

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stayed on Jesus

I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. – C. Bronte 

God was a ‘cloud’ by day and a ‘pillar’ of fire by night leading the Israelites. He’s still looking for a few good folks to lead today. Hmm! 

As anyone who has ever been on a guided tour knows, you always keep your eyes and ears on the Tour Guide. They know the way, what’s important along the way, how much time should be spent at a station and so on…to lose sight of them is to risk getting lost, getting in trouble, or missing out on the tour’s main offering. Life is very similar to this as we journey each day. To keep looking back is to live with the shame, regrets, pain, and heartache of the past, which drastically lessens our hope and encouragement that things will get better. To keep looking into the future is to run the danger of moving beyond God’s stride and direction, running ahead of His plans and purposes and ending up unfulfilled. That’s why it’s imperative that we keep our focus on God, walk at His pace, never letting go of His hand. He will allow us to take time and enjoy His creation, but also ensure we never get lost, never have need to fear, and never linger longer than necessary at any point.

Until tomorrow….. 

Pastor Botts 

“…..Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith….” – Hebrews 12:2

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