Space Girls

Space Girls

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Funnies

God does like a little humor; as evidenced by the fact that he made giraffes, chihuahuas, and us. – B. Sunday 

God once ‘winked’ at man’s ignorance. Often he is amused at our excuses. Hmm! 

College Degrees. Corporate Titles. Proper etiquette, being 'Politically correct,'etc. Not to say these are in and of themselves bad, for they are not. But when we define ourselves by them and try to live our lives by them, not only is it funny at times, but we miss the point of being God’s children. No matter how well-paid, refined, or educated we are some situation or circumstance today will call for us step out of our title or forget our degree to just simply be a person, and hopefully God’s ambassador. 

Until Monday….. 

Pastor Botts 

“For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” – Romans 12:3 

P.S. - Malestorm is this Saturday at 3PM. We'll be gathering at Mulligan's in Torrance. Those needing a ride should be at the church by 2:30. Hope you can make it. 

Also, please don't forget this will be the 1st Sunday of July. We will have our Sunday School Devotional and Birthday acknowledgements at 9AM in Parmes Fellowship Hall. Look forward to seeing you.  

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