Space Girls

Space Girls

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obey This

Unless he obeys, a man cannot believe no matter how often he says he does. – D. Bonhoffer 

When God gave 99-year old Abraham the covenant of circumcision, that very day he and his household were circumcised. Hmm! 

Everyday we witness it and think little of it, but it has a profound belief behind it – a traffic light. We obey the colors and we know unequivocally RED means stop, so we obey. The danger in not obeying is too great. We’ve seen the destruction that happens when one disobeys. The same is true in life. We see it everyday as well, lives interrupted or shipwrecked by disobedience to God’s Word by those who say they confess Christ as Lord. God’s desire is not to cause us harm but good, so somewhere there must be a disconnect. Life is more than platitudes and feel good statements. It may make us feel good to say “God knows my heart” and He does indeed know it, but he is still looking for obedience. It is a matter of living up to what we say we profess. God would have it no other way. 

Until tomorrow….. 

Pastor Botts 

“But Samuel replied: Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice…” I Samuel 15:22

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