Space Girls

Space Girls

Friday, August 31, 2012

God's Meter

Just because you can’t see God doesn’t mean He isn’t near. – Anon 

The angel of the Lord stood right in front of Balaam, yet only the donkey saw him. Hmm! 

Gas, water, electric – meters. Every house or apartment has them, and they report how much we use. Now the regulators are not there, but the meter runs everyday or every time you use the services. The regulators don’t see you use it, they don’t see how you use it (good, bad, illegal, etc.), and they don’t see what you use it on. But at the appointed time they send you a bill. We may get angry when it comes and dispute the amount, but we pay it because we don’t like the consequences of being without. God too, has a meter – our heart or conscience – and there will come a time when the ‘bill’ is due. The question that must be answered is will it show we had a heart for and after Him or for other things. Here’s hoping we know for sure where we stand. 

I will be leaving on vacation as of today. My prayers are that while I’m away you continue to grow in your faith walk with God. So until I return this keyboard will be silent…. 

Pastor Botts 

“….And do this, understanding the present time….because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” – Romans13:11 

P.S. –

Don’t forget the Sunday School Devotional time this Sunday at 9AM in Parmes Hall. Your attendance could make a difference. 

Also, PARENTS, don’t forget the called meeting this Sunday after morning services.

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